One of the benefits of becoming a member of our organization is the ability to attend professional demos at no additional cost to you. As part of the educational opportunities we provide to our members we invite professional wood turners to give us demos of their techniques and expertise in wood turning. These are people who have unique talents in craftsmanship and art of wood turning. They are the best in what they do. We manage to have at least one demo every month either by a professional or from a seasoned member of our club or one of the local wood turning clubs. In the past they used to travel to the bay area and visit the club to give a demo. Now with the current situation of the pandemic we have moved to doing it online. Here are some image galleries of some of the recent demos.

J. Paul Fennell
Oct 15, 2011
boring, hollowing, carving, piercing, layout marking, simple jig and tool making
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