Ray Hari
September 23, 2020
Modern wood turning requires you to use power tools that are inherently unsafe if you do not follow directions and take safety precautions. A good resource for safety tips is the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) website. They have a page on Woodturning Safety. To avoid injury to yourself and others around you please educate yourself with all the safety guidelines to follow while turning wood.
A note about Fractal burning
For some reason or other in the history of modern wood turning some wood turners got into doing fractal burning on their turnings. Some see it as an art, and others do it for monetary reasons to sell turnings with fractals that may fetch some extra cash. Whatever be the reason the verdict is in. People have died doing it. These were people who did not understand the dangers involved with electric current or were a little careless with their contraptions. AAW has deemed that fractal (a.k.a Litchenberg) burning kills people. Please read and understand the American Association of Woordturners warnings about Litchenberg (Fractal) burning.
SVW's stance on fractal burning as part of Show-n-Tell
SVW does not have the expertise to educate people about the dangers of electric current and the many ways something can go wrong when doing fractal burning. We do not encourage any of our members into doing fractal burning on their turnings. We do not conduct any demos or activities that involve fractal burning or the tools used for fractal burning. When ever we get a chance we do talk about the dangers of fractal burning and bring to the members attention the AAW stance on fractal burning. Once in a while some or other member may bring a turning for Show-n-Tell that has some fractal burning on them. We have not discouraged the members from showing those pieces if they brought that piece to discuss the other aspects of that particular turning. As such in this website you may find some turnings in the Show-n-Tell and member galleries that may display some fractal burning.
Requirements for new members
We require everyone applying for membership to Silicon Valley Woodturners to first read and understand all Safety Guidelines as set forth in the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) website. Safety is your responsibility.
Be prepared for accidents in the shop

“As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes.” - Mel Brooks (and requoted by Mike Lanahan)