For calendar year 2023
Active membership - $35
Family membership - $45
Lifetime or Junior membership - Free
Note: For a description of membership types, refer to our Bylaws (Article IV).
For new members
If you decide to apply for membership, your dues will be prorated based on the quarter you join. Please visit the JOIN US page and fill out our membership application.
How to pay your dues
The easiest way to pay the dues is using a credit card online.
If you are a member of Silicon Valley Woodturners and haven't paid this year's dues yet,
You can also pay your dues by sending a check to the treasurer. You can contact the treasurer at
When to pay your dues
Dues from new members are collected when they join. Dues from existing members are collected from November of the previous year to February of the calendar year. According to our Bylaws article XI, dues is due by the February general meeting and considered delinquent after that date.
What happens if dues is not payed
If your dues is not payed by February 28th, your name will be removed from the club roster and you will lose all member previleges.
If you haven't paid the dues and if you want to rejoin the club
If you were a member in the previous year, unlike for new members, your dues will not be prorated based on which quarter you pay the dues. You have to pay the full amount.