Research paper
Steve Dahout
January 2022
What good is sitting alone in your shop? Not much, even with Zoom. That’s why we have the February 2022 Presidents Challenge “You Better Shop Around”, which encourages you to go out and visit other club members workshops. Two, to be exact.
How hard is this I got to wondering. So I rang up Jerry Galli and asked 'Hey, are you busy? Can I come over and see your shop?'. In less than an hour I was over looking at all his cool stuff! It wasn’t at all difficult and I got several good ideas from the way he has his sanding supplies organized. Yesterday Dean Caudle visited my garage shop and it was really cool to hang out for a while with another turner. It was satisfying and very enjoyable to have that contact we have been missing so much on Zoom.
I encourage all members to do this challenge. Meeting one-on-one has the benefit that you are able to choose exactly and limit your exposure to others while growing your friendships within the club. It is even better than the interaction you get from regular in-person meetings. Plus, you actually get to give them something and see what comes of it! I find that knowing other club members as friends really amplifies the enjoyment I get from club activities. So make the small effort to try it, you will be enriched by it I am sure. And it will help to build a stronger club. In these difficult and limiting times, we should be like water. When blocked, water will find a way.
If you would prefer to pass on this or any other President’s Challenge, there is an alternative which you may substitute:
The DOUBLE SECRET President’s Challenge - “One Tool Wonder - The Skew”
Make a turning using only a skew chisel.
You may use more than one skew
No gouges.
No scrapers.
No carbide insert tools.
Sandpaper is OK.
- Steve Dahout