
Email from Eric of Woodcraft, San Carlos
Nov 8, 2021
Turning Pros!!
I'd like to thank all of you for participating in this year's Turn for Troops program! With Jerry leading the way, the SVW group accounted for over half of all the pens completed this year! There was a total, for the annual event, of 900 pens completed and SVW accounted for 480. And it couldn't have been accomplished without your participation and Jerry's lead.
The Turn for Troops program was started in 2004 with the intention of sending pens to our military troops in the middle east theater so they could write home to loved ones. Over the years, the program has shifted, for obvious reasons, to the wounded military and now to those deployed on long tours. (We have supplied thousands of pens to aircraft carriers and battle groups over the years!) Your San Carlos store, through groups like yours and local high school programs and our Turn for Troops weekends at the store, have supplied over 15,000 pens over the past 17 years, making us one of the top 5 stores in the 80 store company! And it's because of folks like you that take time to recognize our military heroes!
Next time you get a chance to stop by the store, please be sure to say Hi and identify yourself. I'd love to shake your hand.
Thanks a Million!
Woodcraft San Carlos